Sunday, January 29, 2012


I just finished watching the  movie Antrichrist by Lars von Trier this morning.
I am still a bit in doubt whether I liked to movie or not. It was not as scary as I expected it to be. Acutally, the reviews said it was gory and bloody but personally I did not think so. And when it comes to movies, I am a serious sissy.
Anyway, one thing I definitely loved about the movie were the shots. Especially when the woman was going into some hypnosis-like therapy performed by her husband, the pictures were gorgeous. I just wanted to share a couple of screenshots first.

There are some things I would like to note. The screenshots I posted here are all filmed in slow-motion. It looks kind of like a painting or photograph I would adore. Also, there are only two main characters and apart from their toddler who falls out of the window at the beginning of the movie, there are no other actors. Also, the movie lacks music. Apart from an aria by Händel in pro- and epilogue and one occasional background-soundtrack, you only hear the wind, the sounds of the woods and the actors talking. The actors are fantastic by the way (Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbough) and the movie would have failed completely without the great acting.
And then the commotion about the movie. Apparently, there has been a lot. I do not really see why. Yes, there is nudity, sex and masturbation, and the camera does not turn away when the woman puts a large screw in her husbands leg or cuts of her genitals with a scissor. But I don't get the commotion this film causes in a world where the majority of people watches movies like Saw or Hostel. I find the violence far from grotesque and I would be unfair to put off the movie as a tasteless horror. In sum: I found it enjoyable to watch, it provoked a little disgust in me on occasion but most of all: it is eyecandy.

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