Saturday, August 18, 2012


It is Saturday night and I have been here for almost two weeks now. I didn't manage to get work so in staying for another week.
Tonight we ate out and had some great pizza. We cuddled and chatted and had the occasional after-dinner-cig. it was a good evening. I'm in bed now. He is sleeping. He had a long and busy day. I obviously had not. So I can't sleep.
I keep thinking about how things were exactly a year ago. I left the 28th of August. I left and I never thought I would end up here, almost a year later, at the south west coast of Sweden, spending my days at the coast or cutting the  grass of his parents' lawn.
I wrote down a couple of things the second of November. Our date, our secret date really. I couldn't sleep and sat in the living room. I was so confused. I wrote he was none of my business. One year later, wow. I an so amazed by how this has all turned out. I have been abroad so much and I love it. I love this life. I feel so much less restless. I have more troubles sleeping, and I worry more, though. It's not a comforting situation I have signed up for. Burr it is good. I am happy.

And I should sleep.

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