Saturday, October 29, 2011

Self pity

Today is going to be my first day of quarantine, hurray! I felt quite shit yesterday but when I went to bed, I decided to get over it when I would wake up. And that's what I did.
I always like the moments when you wake up, you remember feeling crappy last day and decide not to bother anymore.
Kick yourself out of bed, hit the shower, eat something, put on your boots and go outside.
Rock & Roll on the headphones and just do what you have to do, no more bullshit.
I love to kick my own ass.

I consider feeling sorry for yourself the worst feeling in the world. Being sad is okay, there's nothing wrong with accepting that you don't feel well. Everybody has his/her bad days and that's fine. But the feeling you're not able to cope with being sad, let the negative feelings take over... I always feel so bloody pathetic when that happens.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger - definetely true, but it only  works if you give yourself some time to feel the way you do and then get the fuck over it. Self pity is the most pathetic emotion in the world. It is such a human thing. You will never find an animal feeling sorry for itself, even when it's starving or freezes to death. It has no survival value at all. Fact.

It ain't easy, I must admit. There are many times when it would be easier and nicer to just be pathetic, lay in your bed the whole day and feel very very sorry for yourself. But the feeling after kicking your own ass is so worth it. As long as you're able to do so, then do it. No one likes weak, pathetic people, and the person you are in the way the most is yourself.

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