I have crossed the polar circle in Norway today. When you turn your back to the tourist centre, this desolate atmosphere is what's left. I can't get enough of it.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Fagernes / Leira
This place is very pretty and I loved hiking today. Although it was a write short and easy one, having mud on my boots and wind I my face makes me smile. Also, I am finishing books and the coffee is good and strong.
Oh and by the way, there is no wifi. To be fair, the only thing I hate about it is being out of contact with my loved one. Apart from that... it's such a relief!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
In de stilte van de Noorse bergen krijg ik eindelijk de ademruimte om na te denken. Niet te tobben of te piekeren, maar denken over zaken die er toe doen. Helaas betekent nadenken vaak twijfelen. En vooral nadenken in een ander land roept twijfels op.
Want het is zo fijn, dit leven. Rondreizen naar nieuwe plekken. Ik begin te begrijpen waar die oude hippies het altijd over hadden. Dat je hard moet studeren om te kunnen werken om geld te verdienen om dingen te kunnen kopen die je niet wilt of niet nodig hebt. Er is een soort angst in mij wakker geworden, een angst om straks verstrikt te zijn in het web van diagnoses en instanties en regels, waar de grondbeginselen; een passie voor het menselijk denken en doen, een onverzadigbare interesse, zijn verdwenen. Ga ik nog wel zo gelukkig worden van het volgen van dit pad als dat ik in het begin dacht? Ik ben al vaker en zijspoor ingeslagen en dat viel altijd mee. En meevallen is zacht uitgedrukt, het was vaak prachtig; de pieken en dalen van komen en gaan, van blijven en vertrekken, van vasthouden en loslaten, wachten en kiezen, doen en laten. Van verstandig zijn, op je bek gaan, in de zevende hemel zijn, zandhappen, door de grond zaken, met lood in je schoenen toppen bereiken, stijgen en dalen.
Branden, branden, branden, en ik weet niet in hoeverre dat op mijn huidige weg kan, afgezien van opbranden.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Going up North
It is going to be interesting to go on a vacation with my parents and little brother again. The last two years I have been getting along with my parents very well so I don't see much troubles, but things have been running less smoothly between my parents and my little brother. Since I moved out and spend the first semester abroad, I noticed much less of this than I would have when spending a lot of time at home, but I am very aware that things aren't going great. I really hope this will not affect the holiday too much. And it's going to be an interesting situation anyway because we will be spending days together in the car and in small cabins.
Anyway, it's exciting. I wonder what kind of things we will encounter this time, so far my parent's and I have overcome floods, bomb threats and camping next to nuclear plants... so Lapland, bring it on.
After three weeks of travelling up north through Norway and going back south through Sweden, my dear parents will drop me of at my beloved boyfriend who I haven't seen for two months by then. Something I look forward to a lot as well. I have to confess I found the last weeks difficult. It might have been due to the fact that it were the last weeks of school, when I usually tend to start feeling somewhat exhausted, but to be fair, I was just an insecure little bitch. I'm usually quite confident about myself and my relationship and when I don't, I have ways to deal with it. It just didn't work this time so I ended up having sleepless nights and intrusive thoughts, wandering around during the day, not taking care of myself, unable to study and staring at the walls. After finishing and passing my exams I fortunately started to feel much better. I hope it was a temporary thing because I hate being a mess.
Upcoming weeks should reload my battery to serious hights 'cause I'm gonna need that power the upcoming year of studies. And the year afterwards. My last year of bachelor will consist of trying to pass my minor in criminology and do my bachelor thesis, and all of that with good grades. I will also try to boost my working experience and find an internship, so all in all it's going to be... well, tough. I hope the Scandinavian winds will blow last year's mess and troubles out of my brains (yes, I'd like to believe the wind clears my brain) and that I will return clear and energetic for a Hell of a year.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Midnight waves
I am starting to feel incapable. I would rather have people saying straight to my face: you know what, love? You don't know shit. But they don't. It's the looks on their faces when shaking hands with 'the new one', the way they smile when you tell them you're 'just a student'. I am not wanted. I know. Don't pretend otherwise, you don't have to be a psychology student to notice, let alone a fucking mindreader. But at least give me a damn chance. Have some faith. Please put some energy in me to learn me something. I can do all the dirty jobs the whole shift long but just grant me the experience.
I'm tired.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Rememer me?
So yeah, hi, it's me again. I just finished my shift at the department for mentally insane offenders. What I did today? I took two of them to the grocery store. It was lots of fun. Yes, mum, I went alone with them. If I brought a taser- gun, beloved boyfriend? *giggle* Of course not. It's not dangerous, no need to be scared. I love you too. Don't worry about me, I'll be safe.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Sad but true
You know? That kind of news that makes the world stop turning for a moment. Young people getting ripped out of life, family left behind. It just happens too often. It really gets to me every single time and still I haven't found anything sensible to say to those that are left behind. You know? That kind of news that makes you realise how lucky you are to have your loved ones. It reminds you what the important things in life really are. Forget about your little daily problems. Tell people how much they mean to you. To enjoy every second in life and appreciate all of it. All the things you learn, see and experience. All the great people you meet and all the happy memories you create. You know? It can be gone in just a few seconds.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
And you never get to take the easy way
And all of this is a consequence
Brought on by our own hand
If you believe in that sort of thing
And did you ever really find
When you closed your eyes
Any place that was still
And at peace?
As the light starts to fade
That you are the reason
That I am not afraid
And I guess I just wanted to mention
As the heavens will fall
We will be together soon if we
Will be anything at all